Following a rapid weight loss diet is a short term fix for something that needs a long term remedy. It’s like using a band aid when you need stitches. For the most part, many will say that rapid weight loss diet does not look like a “diet” at all. These diet plans often include some drastic cut down on carbs and calories. This is not a good idea because that will make the body react in an equally drastic manner. A lot of the times, these diet plans are not designed by proper nutritionists and just basing the design on their personal experience. What worked for them does not necessarily will work for you. Let’s look at the pros and cons of such crash diets.
Produces Results
Rapid weight loss diet does produce weight loss in a very short amount of time. Slashing down on carbohydrates and calories will definitely drop your weight because your body is no longer getting the same amount that it used to have to maintain the weight. Simply put, slashing carbs and calories will make you weigh less.
Short Term Goal
Rapid weight loss diets are great for people who just want to lose weight for a single event. This is definitely the case for the most part and I would not suggest rapid weight loss diets to be used for extended amounts of time. But for short term goals, it is indeed perfect.
As mentioned earlier, rapid weight loss diets are suitable for short term use specifically because they are not healthy to be followed for extended amount of time. Slashing carbs and calories from your diet for extended amount of time will cause the body to go to starvation mode and conserve what it can and can even has the opposite effect in the long run. You might very well gain instead of loss weight.
No Studies To Support All Claims
There are simply no substantial studies done on what rapid weight loss diets can do to the body if used on a regular basis. Your body needs calories and carbohydrates to function properly and there are some rapid weight loss diets that includes diminished water intake which is a no-no since our bodies are made up of at least 70% water. Sure you might get thinner but you will hardly look great if you have dry skin and hardly any meat in you.
If you noticed, I hardly had anything to write about the pros because there is simply not that many advantage for rapid weight loss diets. These diets are more like gimmicks than anything else. A proper diet plan should include carbs, calories, protein, fat and fiber and cutting out one of those things can have adverse effect in your health later on. Being healthy is a long term goal and should not be rushed because not every body reacts the same way. You have to get to know your own body and how it reacts to change before a great nutritional plan can be created. If someone really wants to lose weight, he or she needs to put in the hard work and eat properly to achieve a healthy and sustainable.